Friendship Day Celebration @ The U.S. Embassy Housing Compound- Saturday, August 30, 2008 -
"Friendship Day Celebration" will be held at the U.S. Embassy Housing Compound on Saturday, August 30, 2008.
Tickets are now on sale (JPY 1,000 per person; Children under 5 are FREE!), and it includes all-you-can-drink beers and soft drinks!
Please come and Join the Fun!!
DATE/TIME: Saturday, August 30, 11:00 – 17:30 (Gates Open: 11:00 / Close 17:15)
VENUE: The U.S. Embassy Housing Compound (Address: 2-1-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
PERFORMANCES: United States Army Band, Rock Bands, A Parade, Taiko, Magicians and Much More!
ACTIVITIES: Children’s Games Corner, Parade, Dunkin Tank Bouncy Castle, and Much Much More!
For Tickets & Event Information Hotline: (03) 3224-5501