Sunday, May 03, 2009

Today's Movie - Eyes Wide Shut

Today's Movie - Eyes Wide Shut

キューブリック監督作品 『Eyes Wide Shut』 は、わたしの好きな映画、ベスト5に入る。 

Alice Harford (Nicole Kidman) が、夫の William Harford (Tom Cruise) に、ある夏の出来事とそのときの心境を告白するっていう、長いシーン。

これが、ものすごく、好きで、でもなんで好きなのか、ずっとわからなくて。 でも、つい最近、この台詞の意味、Aliceの心境が、やっと分かった。

"...I first saw him
that morning in the lobby.

He was checking into the hotel...

...and he was following the bellboy
with his luggage... the elevator.

He glanced at me as he walked past.
Just a glance.

Nothing more.

But I could hardly...


That afternoon...

...Helena went to the movies
with her friend...

...and you and I made love.

And we made plans about our future...

...and we talked about Helena.

And yet... no time...

...was he ever...

...out of my mind.

And I thought if he wanted me...

...even if it was only...

...for one night...

...l was ready to give up everything.



My whole fucking future.


And yet it was weird,
because at the same time... were dearer to me than ever.

And at that moment, my love for you...

...was both...

...tender and sad."

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