Thursday, September 10, 2009

Watch Out For The Nagative Force!


"When we're arguing with our wife - neighbor - kid - boss - we're not really arguing with them. When we're dumping on ourselves for something we did or didn't do, we're not really dumping on ourselves. When we are mad at God, we're not really mad at God.

There is a negative force in the universe that gets in between, that causes us to lose faith, patience, hope. It causes the thoughts in our head to go dark and the Light in our heart to dim.

Today, when you are in conflict with yourself or another, know it's this force getting in there causing the separation. This is a high level thought, yet simple when we get it. And when we do, it helps heal a lot of old wounds - and prevent new ones from being created."

(Daily Kabbalah Tune Up: Instant Fruit - Wednesday, September 9)

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