Thursday, October 08, 2009

My Tweets - 10/07/09

(From the newest to the oldest)

  • あぁ、もうっ!
  • リラのほっぺたってすべすべで気持ちいい。
  • Watching TV about a woman who gained 125 kg in 30 days! What happened to her??? - He carried 48 bottles of water al the way up to my 4th floor apt. STRONG ARMS/FEET, STRONG...WHAT?
  • The delivery guy walked up w/ 48 bottles of water to my apt. on the 4th floor! Can't thank him enough!!
  • Thinking if I should be going to this event...
  • 「リラックマの背中のチャック開けたら何が入ってるのかなあ?」って妹にメールしたら、「夢や希望が入っているんだよ」ってレス。 かわいいね。
  • @BlueKeldSprings Haven't heard about the Blue Keld Natural Mineral Water. Will try it :-) Thank you!!
  • "S" sensei said I looked different, and something good would be happening to me soon. Wanna know WHEN!!!
  • ガチャピンのトモダチって、まじっすか??? RT @GachapinBlog: さっき、小学生のお友だちと電話でお話したら、インフルエンザが流行っていて「学校閉鎖でお休み中」って言ってた。手洗い、うがいをちゃーんとしようっと。
  • Turned on the AC to move the smell away from here and it got really freezing around. My body temp. is going down and I'm feeling dizzy...
  • The microwave REALLY smells! Why is it here next to my cubicle and not there someone else's? Move it already close to frequent-users!!
  • Very interesting!!
  • Take me out for shopping @ EXPRESS, please??? LOVE IT!!
  • @Cards58 You gotta follow this: Only 796 people are following, and the number should've been way high up!!
  • It's that time of the month. Got not just back/stomach pains, but also 3 zits on my forehead :-( Hate it!!!
  • - My Rilakkuma TODAY - So tempted to unzip him to see what's in it :-)
  • My boss' wife was wearing a pink ribbon, and that reminds me that October is the Breast Cancer Awareness month. Gotta wear it, too!!
  • Had a croissant w/ eggs and cheese for breakfast. Been eating 3 meals a day lately and getting fat, but I don't mind that at all. THANK YOU!

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